Too manipulative and EXPENSIVE
I used to love this game, but the farther along I get, the more expensive it becomes to beat levels. I hung in there, and saw that they had stopped the timed levels, which I had hated, and added a new booster reward system, the magic hat. Today they officially lost me. A ‘collect keys to unlock trunks’ feature appeared. Thought it would be similar to the exercise feature, that you can back out of if you don’t like it, but it has you trapped playing it. I say trapped because you no longer have access to the magic hat boosters, even though the timer says you have 7 hours left. No matter how many times you make it to the top level, it still forces you to keep playing, and the only prizes are boosters you could buy much, much cheaper. I tried not using my existing boosters I had paid for, but couldn’t get past 5 levels without them. I made it to the end 3 different times (45 levels in all) because I thought if I could get the top level I could get back to the regular game with the magic hat boosters, but time is ticking away, and you can’t access that event anymore. I’m saving my money and deleting this money pit, just like I did Fishdom, for similar issues. Save your money and play free solitaire or word games instead!!!
NO LONGER THE FOOL about Gardenscapes, v2.3.0